Monday, February 1, 2010

Artist Review

Aside from the obvious human subjects in many of the works, the artists share a similar use of space in many of their pieces. Upon viewing these pictures, one can sense the depth in the pictures. Further conformity of images of papers caught on the wind, and other air born substances help relay an air of freedom to the viewer. Certainly one does not feel entrapment from artist Teun Hocks’s depiction of men hanging from ceiling lights. However, artist Cindy Sherman differs from her peers by setting her works in more of an enclosed space. Centralizing her works more upon the study of women, this could be to better capture the figure. Moreover, where the other artists manipulate color to shift the overall mood of their pieces, Sherman has set her works to tones of black and white. This forces her work to convey a message through values of grey, body postures and facial expressions.

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